Your bodyweight may be average, but you might be able to target and get rid of that one problem area, which you don't like. That's why it is alluring to get a flat tummy– we can target these areas and achieve the ideal body by just wearing the weight shaker, using the abdominal sweatband, or drinking this tummy flab blaster smoothie. Yet, does fat targeting work? If you develop muscle groups with some exercises, you can surely target stomach fat the same way.
To clear up myths, we will first know how fat is created and stored and then what problem areas you can and can't target, and use efficient techniques to end up losing this bottom fat (or any other spot) and finally get the lean body you like.
After the 12-week study, no fat loss between either arm was revealed by the MRI scans.
In our case, most of the fat is stored in our tummy area, and that can be targeted.

How is Body Fat Produced?
Body fat is not a bad thing; it is essential for our body. Our forefathers would need this energy storage if the food were scarce, carrying large amounts of diabetes, anxiety and high cholesterol, and other serious issues; however, it can lead to health problems. Body fat mass is produced when you're in a caloric excess-taking position or taking more energy than is needed in your body, or plain language: "overeating." The thing is: it's much simpler than you would think to get into a state where fewer calories are consumed. One more thing to keep in mind is that just because you eat less than your actual capacity does not mean that you will lose weight.Some Things Cannot Be Targeted
If you work out to increase or decrease a particular muscle group, your muscles are challenged. Muscle fibers are broken and replaced and grow further with proper exercise and diet. While the localized blood flow can lead to some interaction with subcutaneous fat in the exercised muscles, the effects are minimal. Getting a flat tummy, or "spot reduction," is a misconception, and scientifically confirmed research states that there is very little evidence to support the fact that fat targeting can be done. Researchers at Connecticut University in 2007 studied a group of 104 participants. They had them conduct strength training on their non-dominant arm (then they exercised their left arms if the focus was on the right).
Moving Further, Here are Some Points You Need to Know
- Everybody has abdominal muscles:
- Fat and muscles cannot be interchanged.
- A flat belly only appears when you have a sufficiently low body fat percentage.
- Targeting the inside of your thighs by doing the thigh-master workouts
- Toning your arms by doing more arms exercises
Tips for Losing Targeted Belly Fat
- Just do it gradually.
- Do not cut out the fat.
- Eat a moderate diet
- Don’t Obsess

- Exercise
- Eat consciously
- Drink plenty of water
- Don’t drink alcohol